Thursday, July 12, 2012

Throw-it-away Thursday!!! Long story....

I've been storing, holding, saving, guilt-tripped into ~ a house full of other people's CRAP, and the past few weeks has seen me seriously donating STUFF to our Mennonite Thrift Stores in and around our location. The one out-of-town store that usually has fantastic vintage material will go nameless or rather - no location will come from these lips ~ ha ha ha!!!

The clothesline is once again full of freshly washed clothing and bedding that belong - not to me!! All poly-cotton fabrics have been sorted and bagged ~ stuff I've bought eons ago to sew blouses, skirts etc when I worked in an office. I've gently gone through the boxes containing odds & ends from my grandparents house and have taken pictures of items for other siblings to lay claim too. Those boxes have been with me for over 20 odd years. It's time.

The car loads of CRAP from my aunt and uncle downsizing to a nursing home, it's gotta go. I've sorted through all their pots & pans, washed, scrubbed them up, dishes, cutlery - the same! Boxes of British magazines, I had 2 piles that were 3 feet high.....good grief. My poor car groaned with every trip as well as my back. The endless boxes and bags stuffed full of OLD, stinky wool, acrylic yarn and ageing material - garbage. I was kind & thoughtful in front of my aunt, while my narcissist mother was rubbing her hands in glee of all the wonderful goodies I was getting - denying my aunt's daughter of all this lovely crap!! Garbage, garbage, garbage!!!  My cousin isn't stupid!!

 One sister has a double bed, single bed, boxes of teacher's paperwork all in my attic and bed railings, metal box spring in our garage. Let's not forget the head & foot boards either. The other sister has a huge, heavy roll of cotton canvas that we were going to paint floor rugs with. Not going to happen......

LOL ~ I was going to delete what I just wrote --BUT-- it's not depressing me, it's giving me strength to continue on. The sister's have been given time frames now ~ or, their stuff goes to the thrift store. Seriously, if you can travel 3 hours to met up with your first childhood boyfriend - you can travel the 3 hours to come collect your CRAP!!!

The outcome ~ my house is becoming decluttered, we are not tripping over boxes, magazines, tins of Christmas bulbs, endless cheap china figurines,throw pillows galore,  coffee mugs x 10 for Easter, Christmas, St Patty's Day and every other occasion you can think of. I actually can see 'me' in my own house....good lord.

I do cherish the teacups & saucers from my grandparents, a few pieces of British cutlery that my great grandmother brought over with her - but at this time of my life, I need to have only me in my house ( well, better include the hubby also - although he does have the garage LOL )

So....this been Thursday, I've got several boxes packed and ready to go and will push myself to have a full car load come Saturday. AND.....will only LOOK in the thrift shop windows....ya right!!!

 Now, the good stuff.
 I was actually going to open an etsy shop and sell some of my vintage quilt pieces. Can't bring myself to doing that and I'll continue to hold onto these until I'm ready to seriously tackle a wonderful project. These are just a few I had sorted them to bits!
 The crocheting continues....if I'm going to plop myself in front of the TV to watch Coronation Street ( newest addiction) I better have my hands busy.
I love older, vintage children's night clothing. Well, this could be a slip or whatever - but I love the clean lines, the pin tucking on the bottom and the lovely hand crochet edging. The french seams etc....sorry about the picture, a little crinkled - $2.00. I have a white cotton sheet and a nice nightie pattern that I would like to make for myself, similar to this style. Many sizes larger....;-P~~

Ohhhh, I have someone else's Christmas angels to wrap & box up for charity....gotta go!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How funny! Sometimes I get on a tear and go through a roll of trashbags. I know I'd better get it out of the house quick, or I'll find myself going back through it and taking things out. Like you, I've been guilted into taking things I don't want and am starting to trade them for things I do want. I'm liking the barter system. Be well and take care. Lane
