Saturday, July 21, 2012

Just staying out of trouble

I live in Canada ~ you know....the land of the ice & snow & Eskimos!!!!

This is toooooo hot for me. On Tuesday/Wednesday, most temperature records were broken in and around our area. We wandered to the grocery store - just because - we're idiots!! Naw, it was so I could get a picture of the temperature gauge in the car - and sweat our booties off. We don't often use the a/c in the car because we live in Canada ~ did I mention that? On the rare occasion that we's usually caput - as it is now. Great - freon leak likely.

Last shot of the tadpoles at the local gardens! Once they hit this stage, the gardeners fish them out and they are released in a local stream. Several years ago they were late removing them and it was funny watching all the little frogs/toads edging their way out of the pond onto the sidewalks and gardens. It's always interesting to watch visiting kids and their parents....'please, can we take some home' beg the kids! And, after all these years - I'm still tempted myself. But, I do remember what became of those poor tadpoles....ewwwww!!!

 And this fat little son-of-a-#*^@& !!!! Mr or Mrs Groundhog - has been using my veg & flower garden as it's own personal 24/7 salad bar. We caught it crawling under the chicken wire that surrounds the veggies. I was blaming the rabbits - sorry bunnies!! So, I'm minus swiss chard, chinese cabbage, zucchini and it managed to nibble off the leaves on the squash and pumpkin plants. Bad, bad groundhog.

 I hate blackberries ~ LOL, and we have just a few!!!
 And finally, what I've been playing around with while staying out of trouble. I belong to an on line forum that usually does several quilt block swaps each year. I stopped swapping several years ago but I keep up to date with what they are doing and will follow along! They are doing a simple 9-patch, finishing at 6.5". My take on it ~ using up florals and solids and using white as my setting pieces. Whoozer ~ quite the colours!!
I've added a few more Lady of Lake blocks to that pile, but my Orca Bay is once again on a 'timeout'!
The temperature has dropped back down to nice ~ so, a little more sewing for me! Ta......

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