Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cat Sitting

Hmmm, blogger doesn't like me today!!!
Let's give this another try!!!;)
While away cat sitting, I started a crochet blanket for my son and daughter-in-law. I just about froze while at their house!  My DIL loves the colour hunter green and I had about 10 large balls of it and only had to purchase the cream colour. Everything I had in my stash!!! Love that!
Cat Sitting at my son & daughter-in-laws!

I tired to feed them their snacks in a circle, so I could take a picture of them all together!!!
 Ninja ~ good name for him. He completely disappears in the house and is very quiet!
 Spookers was helping me with my crocheting. Thank god I took my fleece pj's, as it was damn cold in their house. And being in the city, it was noise galore at all hours!! ;(
 Cemetery hunting ~ We had to uncover at least a hundred markers until we found my great grandfather and great grandmother. Joseph and Amy came over from Kent, England in 1906 and unfortunately - Joseph died within 6 years of being in Ontario, Canada. Amy remarried in 1918 only because her daughter ( my grandmum Mabel)  was being harassed by her soon-to-be ex-husband and his family. Amy married another Brit ( a soldier ) that came over with his 1st wife in the same time period. His wife had died after giving birth to her 6th child, and only 2 lived out of the 6. Very sad indeed.

 Long story short...this new husband was useless and only interested in the money that Amy had. Amy was also struggling with TB, and trying to hold onto the businesses that Joseph had started up, their home in the city and 100 acres in the country that they had purchased. The 100 acres was just sold several years ago, and my aunt that inherited it - wouldn't let anyone else buy it. That was totally sad on her part, but....it's the way it goes!

My grandmother and her 8 month old daughter ( my aunt) spent a year 'hiding' at a ladies shelter run through the Salvation Army. She would finally divorce and then meet my grandfather.....that's how I came about. But first they had to move to Detroit and then New York in order to avoid the ex and his family.  They had 3 more children and in total had 11 grand children.

There are many, many skeletons in this family tree, and it's so interesting as I uncover the truth and correct the many stories that have been told. I have many old letters, odds 'n ends, legal paperwork, border crossing paperwork with pictures and finger prints etc etc. I'm slowly opening each one ( very fragile) and reading them and transcripting them so I can produce a story of my great grandparents lives down to my grandparents.
It was very rewarding when I finally cleared away the fallen leaves and found their marker. A 100 years has passed since Joseph's death .....there is much to uncover still!! ;)

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