Friday, July 19, 2013

In rolls a storm.....

I was just outside taking a picture of my new "Egyptian" plant, so I could show my GF in another city.
The clouds came in, the thunder rolled and the lightening flashed ~ and everything on our back deck went for a ride!!!

 We don't leave the canopy top on during storms, but the side fabric panels were just enough to give the wind an advantage.  The two large cinder blocks I had on the base didn't hold - me thinks DH will now screw it to the deck!!!! It's bent but DH said it's fixable!!
 Hopefully my Rose of Sharon will spring back up ~ the canopy frame bounced on it!!! OUCH One large Mulberry tree will be coming down tomorrow. It's on the property line at the back of the house, and is now laying on the neighbours back shed.....he wants the wood, he can cut it up!!! LOL
My new Spartan 192K!!! We were wandering around an antique store and I really didn't see any old sewing machines at all. Passing by the last row of booths, I spied the Spartan but wasn't really interested!!!
I couldn't find a cover ( this model didn't come with one!!!) and I really don't need anymore machines. BUT....everything in the booth was 50% off - it came home with us. I think I spent $16.00 on it. And I had to make a crochet doily for the thread holder.  Haven't plugged her in yet, she is in excellent shape but I'll wait until DH has some time ....and I'll let him plug it in first! *cheesy grin!!!

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