Thursday, April 04, 2013

It must be Spring.....!

On the Clothesline.....Picket Fence from the 1997 Quilter's Newsletter Magazine "Quilt It for Christmas" ~ using mostly men's shirts and odds & ends of neutrals.
Just needs a couple borders to complete! I only managed to step on it once - right in the muddy part of the yard ~ GRRRR!!!
 On the Canopy Railing just as the wind was going to fly it away.....Plaid Obsession by Evelyn Sloppy.
I have everything cut & ready to sew in order to complete it....Loves this quilt!!!!
 Last weekend ~ a trip to the local greenhouses for some 'spring sniffing' of new flowers growing and to chase the old winter spirits away!!!
 On the design wall bed....Big Zig Zag ~ design by me ( roflmao) ya...whatever!!! It's for the dil and she loves greens. I just wished I had of cut the HT's smaller. These are cut at 6 inches and if I ever make another one, I"ll try 4-5 inches instead!! All blocks are done & the final sewing will hopefully be sooner than later!!!
 On the cutting table ~ Patio Tomatoes! At the moment they are moving around the house, following the sun. Today is transplant day into larger pots!
On the deck outside.....Me & "Little Dorrit" by Charles Dickens. It's a sunny 7C and I"m making the most of this lovely spring weather. Outside I go.......-------> Do Not Disturb!!!

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