Tobogganing ~ at my age!!! Not a chance!!!
We wandered over to our local park which contains a free-leash dog area ( fenced in) children's playground, basketball courts, volleyball sand pits, public washrooms, skateboarding area and many other family orientated activities....a little something for everyone!
Now that winter and the SNOW has finally arrived, the giant hill is once again packed full of kids of all ages & a wide assortment of sledding devices! I waited patiently for two fellas that had interesting blown-up sleds ( for lack of a better description!!) and when the moment came when they pushed off.....a mini-van pulled in front of me, I moved & could only snap one on his way down. Rats!!!
Oh well, it was fun watching all the comings & goings....!!!
On the 2013 'to do' list.....
The craft room is a complete bomb as usual. I'm sorting every little bit & piece and doing a complete
crap overhaul of everything. Just's making me miserable the state it's in! I have loose sewing machine needles that I need to use the magnifying glass just to read the size....crochet hooks, knitting needles and I'm sure the kitchen sink is in the mix somewhere.....good grief Charlie Brown!
I have another week or so to finish up this baby blanket & mail it off, so it reaches the baby shower on the 13th! They know it's a girl and I had some lovely yellow yarn in my stash, so....just had to pick a pattern and get at her!!!
The actual 'UFO' list.......gotta think about that one. Don't think there is enough room on a single sheet of paper just to list them....or try to list them!!! I finished up a pair of slippers and need to post a pic to Ravelry - and need to get back into posting on there also. brain aches! :)
The sun is shining, it's white outside ~ the cross country skis will be coming out later today.