Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I've been up to.....

I've been sewing on my Orca Bay quilt....again. I have another 2 rows all ready to add! See those red triangles - yup.....those suckers. I need to make/sew another 40ish something....UGH!! I didn't realize I was missing that many, until I found the base papers for them - hiding in my cabinet beside my sewing machine. Insert curse word here!!!!

 Why do I do stupid things - I never pull my tulip bulbs unless I want to move them. I just snip the dying foliage and let them be. Nope....pulled them out just to replant them in the same place. Stupid!!!
 Out and about for a drive on Saturday - hot - thirsty - McDonald's $1 drinks! Perfect!!

 Sewing again! Our patio canopy was saggy in spots ( much like it's owner!!!) So, I added some extra Velcro tabs - so far, so good !! And finally - working away on my Lady Of The Lake!!!
Sheeeesh.....! I take pictures - sew a little - garden a LOT - fart around - BUT....can I blog it! I think I"ll always struggle with this blogging thing! ;-)  This weekend will see us off on a little trip full of excitement. It's party time for the newly married son & DIL Clare!! "Just come & enjoy yourself Mom", said the kid!  Our family contains some dreaded narcissist characters, which makes family gathers very trying. I could write a separate blog about them.....the years of abuse in all forms. This party will also mark the ending for me - of having these abusers in my life. Happy times ahead!!!

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