Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I've been up to.....

I've been sewing on my Orca Bay quilt....again. I have another 2 rows all ready to add! See those red triangles - yup.....those suckers. I need to make/sew another 40ish something....UGH!! I didn't realize I was missing that many, until I found the base papers for them - hiding in my cabinet beside my sewing machine. Insert curse word here!!!!

 Why do I do stupid things - I never pull my tulip bulbs unless I want to move them. I just snip the dying foliage and let them be. Nope....pulled them out just to replant them in the same place. Stupid!!!
 Out and about for a drive on Saturday - hot - thirsty - McDonald's $1 drinks! Perfect!!

 Sewing again! Our patio canopy was saggy in spots ( much like it's owner!!!) So, I added some extra Velcro tabs - so far, so good !! And finally - working away on my Lady Of The Lake!!!
Sheeeesh.....! I take pictures - sew a little - garden a LOT - fart around - BUT....can I blog it! I think I"ll always struggle with this blogging thing! ;-)  This weekend will see us off on a little trip full of excitement. It's party time for the newly married son & DIL Clare!! "Just come & enjoy yourself Mom", said the kid!  Our family contains some dreaded narcissist characters, which makes family gathers very trying. I could write a separate blog about them.....the years of abuse in all forms. This party will also mark the ending for me - of having these abusers in my life. Happy times ahead!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Last week's pictures

I've been waiting patiently for the trillium's to show their presence in the woods. Stop the car...!!!!! And I actually had the camera with me this time....sheesh!!!

I had the camera...but....I was wearing clogs, not the easiest of footwear for hiking thru all these lovely tree roots LOL ! But....I got my pictures ~ sweet !!!

Monday, May 07, 2012

Rainy Day Walk

Mr. Driving Miss Daisy  dropped me off at our local gardens as he headed to work. It was very dull and overcast ~ and wouldn't you know it ~ about 5 pictures in, it started to rain. ;-(  Not to worry, pulled the hood up and put my gloves on and continued on. Beautiful....and with the rain...fresh smelling. Wonderful crab apple blossoms...a lovely, elegant pinkish tulip with the garden's gazebo behind, new candles bursting forth on the pines....I love pines!

LOL ~ had to snap the die-hard golfers. Unless it's thundering, they are good to go....even in the rain!I believe the last picture is a marsh marigold. Now that I'm back home and dried off, it's back to sewing on the Orca Bay quilt! Bliss