Friday, March 14, 2014

Celtic Solstice and Wild Geese

Holy cow! I haven't posted anything for 2014 yet! What gives??? LOL

I've been working away on Celtic Solstice and started a new quilt project with lots of wild, flying geese. Hopefully the flying geese quilt will use up more of the men's shirts I had hanging around!

Blogger is not loading pictures for me ~ have tried several times over the pass 2 $(*# hours. So, will try again later. If not....might be a sign to just let the blog go! LOL

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013

Finished the zigzag quilt in time for Christmas giving. Green zigzag's on the front for my DIL and the backing is a golf theme - perfect for my son! So....whoever is ruling the rocking chair at that moment can switch to their preferred liking....LOL!!!
With the coming of the New Year almost upon us, I'm going to once again try and concentrate on finishing up all my UFO's in my sewing room for the year 2014. No reason to start anything new unless it's for a birthday present or gift of some sort. Ya...I've heard that before!

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Bonnie Hunter & her Mystery Quilts

I'm working on OLD mystery quilts that I haven't finished!!!! And loving pressure!
Double Delight and Orca Bay.....with bowties as L/E!  And a whole bunch of DVD's to keep me company! I'm also following along with all the chit/chat with her latest mystery quilt and this spurs me on to finish these!!!
 I've fallen for the  18" dolls that I've been collecting from our local thrift shops. There are actually 4, but the last one bought.....she's still naked at the moment. I belong to an American Girl site on Ravelry, but I haven't fallen for the price of those dolls. These ones are perfect for me.....just want to sew some doll clothes for them and be ready for my niece when she heads towards the larger dolls.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fall is here & The 3 needle bind off.

Fall ~ it's coming to soon!

Barn Raising ~ Mennonite Style. Our new Mennonite Thrift Store is coming to completion by mid October. It will house the main MCC head quarters for all of Ontario as well as other businesses. This barn at the back of the new building will house winter equipment etc. It rained all day....;-(

Sadly, fire took down the Farmer's Market just outside of St Jacob's in Waterloo! A month doesn't pass by when we don't head out there and just wander around. My favorite little store called "Nights in White Flannel" is gone. So many vendors lost their businesses and fingers crossed that rebuilding will happen soon. The day after the fire, they were already planning ahead....I love that! They are determined to get everyone back into many families depend upon it!
   A new to me stitch! Knitting along, following a top pattern for the 18" doll that I'm making clothes for...and....'do a 3 needle bind off' hits me!!! What??? Google Google - lots of YouTube help and it's done! ( just not shown) In all my years of knitting from patterns, I have never heard of the 3 needle bind off. It's the bee's knees!!! I need to get out more!!! :-)

And the garden ~ what the heck. I'm going to clobber the person who put all the wrong name tags into the veggie plants I bought. Is this a butternut squash??? I have no idea what it is...yes, a squash - but not anything I've seen before. And I just love those beef steak tomatoes. ARGH !!! There is also a lovely orange pumpkin growing which should be WHITE. I bought the WHITE pumpkin seedlings! The green beans were both green and yellow ~ so not a big complaint there. But, good grief Charlie Brown.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Toothbrush Rug PREP

Holy Cow Thread man!!! I'm not new to 'threads' as I've done many crochet rugs before. But....after two sheets.....this is crazy!!! And I've got about 10 more sheets to do, before I can start!!! Oh Joy!!!
Marigolds at our local gardens....holy cow!!!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Sewing for Barbie & Crochet Rug

Barbie Doll Clothes ~ you either love/hate sewing teeny, tiny bits of fabric together to get a ill fitting outfit....or.....putz around with the patterns and make them fit.
What a royal pain-in-butt!!! I have several very old patterns for the 11 1/2" tall doll, but.....I also have an older style Barbie and a newer one. There is a big difference in their torso measurements and one can't wear the other's clothes. What the heck....

Anyhoooo.....Here's my $2.00 Barbie from the Thrift store - rocking her new outfit! This is being gifted to my niece next week, along with several other pieces I've sewn!
It's a mix of new pattern for top and old pattern for bottoms. I winged the shopping bag! The crochet hat is from a Leisure Arts Leaflet and I've done two other hats in crochet cotton, which turned out really nice. This hat was done is fingering weight yarn.
This is her 'shopping outfit'!!!
The new pattern that I bought ~  I'd hate to be a new sewer trying it out for the 1st time. The pattern pieces didn't come mark with "cut two' for the legs etc. And there is clearly enough room for the pattern company to have mark them.....and the directions didn't state it - - no where!!! All the pieces where like that....rather shameful!!!
The rag rug I promised to make for my nephew. I've ripped it out once and started over ~ wasn't happy with my tension on the first one. AND.....going between the 1.50mm needle for the Barbie hats and the extra large gazillion size needle for the rug ~ my hands and tension were put to a test!!!

I have found a lovely blog on Facebook ~ a woman who makes toothbrush rugs and sells them. She has placed a few YouTube video's on her blog, helping others with a few iffy areas!! Wonderful!! I think everyone has bought the kit from Aunt ____ & have struggled with just the beginning of the rugs....tossing them aside in frustration.
It has renewed my interest to pull out my pathetic attempt and give it another go!! Fingers crossed and pictures to follow later.
 Fabricland had their 50% off sale and I picked up a few pieces of material to make PJ's for my niece and nephew next week. Only one is boyish, and I need to pick/hide one of the others for myself ;)
And finally - I left a container of bird seed outside and Mr. Cardinal helped himself....feet first!

Friday, July 19, 2013

In rolls a storm.....

I was just outside taking a picture of my new "Egyptian" plant, so I could show my GF in another city.
The clouds came in, the thunder rolled and the lightening flashed ~ and everything on our back deck went for a ride!!!

 We don't leave the canopy top on during storms, but the side fabric panels were just enough to give the wind an advantage.  The two large cinder blocks I had on the base didn't hold - me thinks DH will now screw it to the deck!!!! It's bent but DH said it's fixable!!
 Hopefully my Rose of Sharon will spring back up ~ the canopy frame bounced on it!!! OUCH One large Mulberry tree will be coming down tomorrow. It's on the property line at the back of the house, and is now laying on the neighbours back shed.....he wants the wood, he can cut it up!!! LOL
My new Spartan 192K!!! We were wandering around an antique store and I really didn't see any old sewing machines at all. Passing by the last row of booths, I spied the Spartan but wasn't really interested!!!
I couldn't find a cover ( this model didn't come with one!!!) and I really don't need anymore machines. BUT....everything in the booth was 50% off - it came home with us. I think I spent $16.00 on it. And I had to make a crochet doily for the thread holder.  Haven't plugged her in yet, she is in excellent shape but I'll wait until DH has some time ....and I'll let him plug it in first! *cheesy grin!!!