Good Grief ~ I can't remember the proper name of this quilt. It's been so loooong in the making!!!
Edit: Yup...Carolina Christmas is the name. This mystery quilt came out in the later part of 2009. Another good grief moment ~ slow as a turtle!!!
Orca Bay
As I was sewing this quilt top together, I had decided to stop at the single bed size ~ there were so many fiddly pieces that I kept putting it aside. As of this morning, I have completed all the unfinished blocks that were calling to me.
Today is a sewing day and I'm dealing with a lovely bout of vertigo ~ blah! Will just have to limit my ups & downs, no twisting around to the ironing board and no rapid eye movement! So, hopefully....I'll get those extra blocks sewn on & the top will head into 'border' status after that!
There was a lovely Orca Bay quilt on someone's blog that had a flying geese border and it look fantastic. Will be thinking about using that treatment for my, to find that blog again!
Happy First Day of Summer 'June 21, 2013'