Friday, June 21, 2013

A Finish for A Friday ~ sort of !!

Ugh ~ I just noticed an 'opps' on the Christmas Quilt! Good thing I'm in the mood for fixing, or it would stay there as my humble block!! Will have to head over to the Quiltville website and check out the other finished Carolina something-or-other quilts!

Good Grief ~ I can't remember the proper name of this quilt. It's been so loooong in the making!!!
Edit: Yup...Carolina Christmas is the name. This mystery quilt came out in the later part of 2009. Another good grief moment ~ slow as a turtle!!!

Orca Bay

As I was sewing this quilt top together, I had decided to stop at the single bed size ~ there were so many fiddly pieces that I kept putting it aside. As of this morning, I have completed all the unfinished blocks that were calling to me.
Today is a sewing day and I'm dealing with a lovely bout of vertigo ~ blah! Will just have to limit my ups & downs, no twisting around to the ironing board and no rapid eye movement! So, hopefully....I'll get those extra blocks sewn on & the top will head into 'border' status after that!

 There was a lovely Orca Bay quilt on someone's blog that had a flying geese border and it look fantastic. Will be thinking about using that treatment for my, to find that blog again!

Happy First Day of Summer 'June 21, 2013'

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Bonnie Hunter has landed ~ Ireland!!

OK ~ so I checked Bonnie's posting this morning and she posted one of those lovely picture post card shots of Ireland .... from the plane's window. Beautiful!!

So ~ it jogged my memory that I hadn't taken a picture of my DIL's green quilt yet. Actually, just the top or flimsy or WIP or whatever other term for lazy ass not quite finished!! LOL

I don't like it - wish I had made the triangles a smaller size....but, it is what it is now!!! I'm still looking for a backing, not that I lack any material here ~ just nothing that suites it! It's just for their couch for snuggling! And with 3 was better to make something durable/washable/functional etc!

I love Pinterest....look ----- > the greenhouse of my dreams. I had started to collect old window panes more then 25 years ago, usual...when a break-up happens, so much stuff has to be weeded out in the moves etc. I still have about 6 windows in a shed at my brothers, but I just don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. The frame of my old plastic greenhouse is still being used by the new owners, still holding up after I left it over 12 years ago. Glad to see them using it!!!